From spiders to heights, we all have things that make us shudder.
Isabel Mendoza, 22, from Exeter, has captured common fears like needles or going to the dentist to more bizarre ones such as arachibutyrophobia.
Miss Mendoza said: 'My inspiration behind these images was purely the fascination and curiosity I have with everything weird and wonderful.
From frigphobia (the fear of cold things) to somniphobia (the fear of sleep), the images are pictured in alphabetical order below...
A is for arachibutyrophobia - the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of one's mouth. This unusual phobia can result in panic and choking.
C is for coulrophobia - the fear of clowns. This fear has been dramatised in books and films, but full-blown phobia of clowns is relatively rare.
D is for dentophobia - fear of the dentist. Around 12 per cent of us suffer from extreme dental anxiety, according to the British Dental Association.
F is for frigophobia - the fear of cold or cold things. Sufferers often bundle up in heavy clothes and blankets, regardless of temperature. It nearly always stems from a negative experience in the past.
H is for haphephobia - the fear of being touched. This is an exaggeration of the normal desire to protect one's personal space. It often occurs as a result of sexual abuse.
J is for jangelaphobia - fear of jelly. This bizarre phobia is extremely rare and normally discovered in chidhood.
O is for obesophobia - the fear of gaining weight. This can become life-threatening if it is not treated.
Q is for quadrophobia - the fear of things that come in four.
Z is for zelophobia - the fear of jealousy. Phobias are normally treated with talking treatments, such as counselling and psychotherapy or medication including anti-depressants.