It sounds like we"ve found some common ground.
I"m willing to leave things there if you are.
Let"s leave it this way for now.
I"m willing to work with that.
I think we both agree to these terms.
I"m satisfied with this decision.
I think we should get this in writing.
I"d like to stop and think about this for a little while.
You"ve given me a lot to think about/consider.
Would you be willing to sign a contract right now?
Let"s meet again once we"ve had some time to think.
Louis: Look, we"re running out of time here and I"ve barely had a bite of my lunch. 聽著,我們的時間不多了,我都還沒吃午飯呢。
Markus: I know, and we have a lot of work to get done this afternoon. 我知道,今天下午我們還有很多工作要做。
Louis: Well, I guess we"ll have to settle this at another time. 嗯,我想我們得在另一個時間解決這個問題。
Markus: Actually, I"d really like to get this settled today. I know how busy you are, and it"s not easy to get you to sit down and talk. 事實上,我真的很想今天解決這個問題。我知道你有多忙,讓你坐下來談一會不容易。
Louis: (standing up and getting ready to walk out of the room) Well, we"re not getting anywhere.(站起來準備走出房間)好吧,我們哪兒也去不了。
Markus: Please sit down for a few more minutes so we can make a decision. 請您再坐幾分鐘,我們把這件事決定下來。
Louis:And what if I don"t? Are you going to quit? 如果我不這么做呢?你要辭職嗎?
Markus: I am a loyal employee, and I believe that it is in the best of both of our interests to have this conflict resolved. This should only take a few more minutes. 我是一個忠誠的雇員,我相信解決這場沖突符合我們雙方的利益。這只需要幾分鐘時間。
Louis: Fine. You can be the foreman. I"ll even change the title on your pay stub. But no raise. 好吧。你可以是主管。我甚至會改變你的工資存根的稱呼。但是加薪不行。
Markus: I think you and I both know, that the raise is more important to me than the title itself. 我想你和我都知道,加薪對我來說比頭銜本身更重要。
Louis: You know, not very many owners would agree to give a person like you the title of foreman. You don"t even have your proper certification. 你知道的,不是很多業主會同意給一個像你這樣的人主管頭銜。你甚至沒有正式的證書。