A difference of opinion has been significantly reduced(意見分歧已大大減少)
One party suggests signing an agreement (一方建議簽署協議)
One or both parties indicate that a period of time to pause and reflect is necessary.(一方或雙方均表示需要暫停和考慮一段時間)
Walking out of the room(走出房間)
Offering a short-term bribe(提供短期的誘惑)
Telling you to take it or leave it(告訴你接受它或離開它)
Giving an ultimatum(下最后通牒)
Abrupt change in tone (used to shock the other party into submission) 突然改變語氣(用來使對方屈服)
Introducing new requests (used at to get you to concede with little thought or consideration) 引入新的請求(用于使你在毫無考慮的情況下讓步)
Stating generalizations without evidence (dropped without significant statistics/proof) 陳述沒有證據的概論(沒有顯著的統計數字/證據)
Adopting the Mr. Nice Guy persona (used to try to make it look like they are doing you a favour in hopes that you will lower your expectations) 采用“好先生”角色(試圖讓他們看起來像是在幫你忙,希望你能降低你的期望)
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