3. Belle from Beauty and the Beast
《美女與野獸》: 貝兒
The combination of La La Land, starring Emma Stone, and Beauty and the Beast, in which Emma Watson plays Belle, has meant that searches for yellow dresses have soared this year. Lyst has reported a leap in search traffic for yellow tiered gowns (like that worn by Watson in Disney's adaption) this summer - around the same time teenage girls across the pond start scouring the web for prom dresses. If you did invest in a lemon, saffron or buttercup frock, re-wearing it for Halloween would be a savvy way to save on your costume.
4. A giraffe
Move over creepy (read: sexy) cat, lion, or other animal with whiskers; there is apparently a new king of the jungle. Giraffes are apparently set to be one of this year's most popular Halloween costumes. Pinterest saves for giraffe makeup and costume images are up nearly 1200% on this time last year, with Lyst also reporting a 27% increase in searches for 'giraffe print' since last June.