carry-on luggage 隨身行李,可帶上飛機的小箱子
checked luggage 托運的行李
personal bag個人包包,如小背包,女士小錢包,電腦包
There are fragile items in the bag.包里有易碎品。
I"ll put a “fragile” sticker on it.我會貼上“易碎物品”的標簽。
Do you have any checked luggage?您有行李需要托運嗎?
I just have hand luggage.我只有手提行李。
Three pieces, please.想托運這3件行李。
Fill out this form, please.請先填寫一下表格。
May all my luggage be weighed?我的行李必須全部過磅嗎?
I have only a carry-on with me.我沒有任何托運行李,只有隨身的。
OK, let me check the size of your carry-on.好的,請讓我確認一下隨身行李的大小。
Priority tag?請問可以優先放我的行李嗎?
OK, let me make a note.好的,讓我注明一下。
Do you have lighters in your bag? 你包里有打火機嗎?
How much for overweight luggage?行李超重要收費多少?
It costs 12 dollars per kilogram.每多一公斤要加收12美元。
Where to check in my luggage?請問我應該在哪個柜臺辦理行李托運?
Please check in your luggage at counter No.12.請在12號柜臺辦理行李托運。
How many kilograms are OK?請問一件行李限重多少?
The free baggage allowance is 23 kilograms.免費行李托運量是23公斤。
How many pieces of luggage are okay?請問我可以托運幾件行李?
Each passenger is allowed to check in two pieces of luggage.每位乘客可以托運兩件行李。
What are the check-in procedures?怎么辦理行李托運?
You"re only allowed two carry-on items.你只能帶兩件行李。
Should I have my luggage labeled for Houston here?我要把行李托運到休斯頓,是在這兒辦理嗎?
Yes. We"ll have a look through them.是的,我們要查看一下。
There is no charge for group traveling. And here are the tags for your traveling bags.團體旅行不收行李超重費。給您行李標簽。
It will be more convenient to claim our luggage with them.有了標簽提取行李就方便多了。
Could you put on the luggage label, please?請您把行李標簽系上可以嗎?