中國是舉世公認的發明指南針(compass)的國家。最初的指南針叫做司南(Sinan, a south-pointing ladle ),出現在戰國時期。一般在指南針上標有東南西北四個方位,并且還有刻度。北對應零度,刻度隨順時針方向而增加。作為中國古代的四大發明之一,指南針對人們的生活,尤其是航海業的發展,起到了重要的作用。指南針對西方世界也產生了顯著的影響,這些國家由此開始了大規模的海外冒險活動。
The Compass
China is universally acknowledged as the countrywhere the compass was invented. The compass,originally called Sinan, a south-pointing ladle,appeared during the Warring States Period.Generally, the directions of north, east, west and south are shown on the compass, and so arethe angle markings in degrees. North corresponds to zero degree, and the degrees increaseclockwise. As one of the four great inventions of ancient China, the compass played animportant role in people’s life, especially in maritime undertakings. It also had a significantinfluence on the western world, as thereafter those countries began large-scale overseasadventures.