5. Ma Huateng
Tencent Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Pony Ma Huateng speaks during a news conference announcing the company"s results in Hong Kong, China March 17, 2016. REUTERS/Bobby Yip
+$21.8 billion
Net worth: $44.3 billion
Chinese tech billionaire Ma Huateng and his Tencent Holdings have been hunting for viral communication apps and web hits since 2011. Tencent—which is behind one of China’s most popular messaging apps, WeChat (more than 960 million users)—made a pre-IPO investment in Snapchat and then acquired a 12% stake in its parent company, Snap, in November. Although Snap stock has fallen 35% since its IPO in March, Tencent’s stock is on a tear: it rose more than 100% this year.
中國科技界億萬富翁馬化騰以及騰訊控股自2011年以來一直致力于通訊應用和互聯網熱點。騰訊旗下的微信是中國最受歡迎的社交應用之一,用戶人數超過9.6億。騰訊在Snapchat進行首次公開募股之前就參與投資,并在11月份收購其母公司Snap 12%的股份。雖然Snap股價自3月份上市以來已經下跌了35%,但騰訊的股價卻接連上漲:今年漲幅已經超過100%。
6. Mukesh Ambani
Mukesh Ambani, Chairman and Managing Director of Reliance Industries, speaks during a convocation at the Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University in Gandhinagar, India, September 23, 2017. REUTERS/Amit Dave
+$18 billion
Net worth: $41.1 billion
The fourth richest person in the world in 2010, Ambani returns to the ranks of the top 20 for the first time in five years. The surge comes largely thanks to a more than 65% hike in the stock price of his Reliance Industries, which has been on a tear due to rising margins in its petrochemicals business. The company has also delved into India’s hyper-competitive telecommunications landscape with a reasonably-priced business-telecom venture, Jio. Launched in September 2016; its 4G service has attracted 146 million customers to date.
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