the invisible poor
The invisible poverty-stricken population, or the invisible poor, refers to people whose consumption exceeds their income. They usually live a quality life and spend a lot of money on food, clothing, gym, spas and other daily expenses, which leaves them little or no money in their bank accounts.
近日,"隱形貧困人口(the invisible poor)"成為了互聯網上的流行詞,指的是那些花的比掙得多的人。不僅在中國,"隱形貧困"現象在許多國家都存在,尤其是在年輕人當中。去新開的餐廳嘗鮮(enjoy the newest restaurants),緊跟潮流的時尚衣著(wear the latest fashion),或者來個奢華假期(take expensive vacations),哪個方面都不想落后于小伙伴(fall behind their friends),年輕人們由此累積了數千美元的債務(pile up thousands of dollars in debt)。
被"隱形貧困人口"扎心之后,網友們舉一反三,又自創了一波新詞。"隱形有錢人口(the invisible rich people)",指有些人看起來每天哭窮祈禱暴富,可實際上非常有錢且正在賺大錢(people who claim that they are broke and praying for sudden wealth, but are actually rich and making a lot of money);"隱形單身人口(the invisible single people)",指有些人看起來撩技高超,但實際上根本沒談過戀愛(those who appear to be adept at flirting but have never been in a relationship in real life);"隱形肥胖人口(the invisible overweight people)",指有些人看起來身材正常,但實際上擁有20斤的肚子和30斤的屁股(people whose figure appears normal but actually have extra fat in the belly and butt)。好吧,你中了多少槍?
理財 money management
錯失恐懼癥 fear of missing out (FOMO)
不合理消費 unreasonable consumption
量入為出 live within their means
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