Pictures of meals served with the #foodporn hashtag may be popular on social media networks across the globe, but that is irrelevant
to Germany's legal system. In 2013 a Federal Court of Justiceruling found elaborately arranged food to be the artistic property of its creator. Essentially, this means that you'll need to ask the chef's permission before taking and uploading a picture of your latest meal。標有#食色標簽的照片或許可以風行全球社交媒體,但德國法律體系可不吃這套。2013年經德國聯邦法院裁決,擺盤精致的食物是創造者的藝術財產。這意味著你拍照上傳這頓飯前,必須先征求廚師的同意。
An elaborately arranged dish in a restaurant can be a copyright-protected work. In such a case, the creator of the work has the right to decide where and to what extent the work can be reproduced.So, in order to show off theculinarycreation beyond the restaurant walls, you'd need the chef to okay it - even if the photo is just for Instagram or a blog and not intended for commercial use。飯店里擺盤精致的菜肴可能是受版權保護的作品。這種情況下,創作者有權決定他的作品可以被二次創作到何種程度,以及曝露在什么地方。所以,要想在餐廳外炫烹飪美食作品,得先征得廚師首肯,即便圖片只是上傳Instagram或是博客,并無意商業用途。
As it stands, however, there's been no precedent
set of a chef actually suing someone for taking a photo of their food. But diners should remember that even if they don't run the risk of copyright infringement, restaurants are still allowed to forbid them from snapping pics at dinner。盡管有法律的支持,但尚無廚師因他人拍照而起訴的先例。但食客們應記牢,盡管他們不冒侵權的風險,飯店依舊有權禁止吃飯時拍照。
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