1 當你想說but來轉折語氣,不妨忍一下,然后在句子后面加個though,立馬瞬間洋氣了許多!
Our team lost。 It was a good game, though。
Middle-aged people like to cook at home, young adults are a bit different, though。
2。 多用副詞,例如exactly, basically, really這些副詞可以加強或者緩和語氣,更準確的表達我們的真實想法。
That‘s exactly what I want!
Where are you going exactly?
So basically, there‘s not a lot I can do about it。
The more expensive articles are not necessarily better。
3。 簡單不易出錯的同位語從句可以為你的語言增色不少哦!
People are now aware of the fact that many restaurants are not that hygienic。
Despite the fact that she was wearing a seat belt, she was thrown sharply forward。
4。 強調句式用起來,也會增加語法的廣度哦,例如禮物類話題的萬年句式:
It doesn‘t matter how expensive the gift is, it’s the thought that matters。
5。 當你想說most of… 的時候,不妨改口成tend to,詞匯量有沒有顯得多一些!
Most Chinese people cook at home instead of dining out。 就可以說成Chinese people tend to cook at home。
6。 口語答案里面呢,要有意識的盡可能拋棄very,一種方法是用pretty替代,另一種就直接用個更高級的形容詞。
That performance was pretty impressive。
I‘m pretty sure about that。
還有instead of saying “very angry”, you can use the word “furious”。
那同理,如果我們想表達a little + adj。,也可以找到相應的更傳神的形容詞,例如:
tipsy = a little drunk
7。 提到形容詞,我們可以先把他們分成兩類:褒義貶義。
那“廣譜”的褒義詞就是經常說的fantastic,awesome,terrific,fabulous,fascinating。“廣譜”的貶義詞呢,就是 awful,terrible,horrible等等。
8。 形容詞前加副詞,也是不錯的應急措施哦,如果實在想不到高大上的形容詞,就用一個副詞來加強一下情感吧。
She‘s shockingly beautiful。
It‘s an outrageously expensive meal。
9。 同學們在回答考官問題的時候,其實自己也覺得說個No很傷感情,那怎么能用比較不傷感情的語言表達同樣的意思呢,下面的幾句可以記一下:
-Does your school have diving classes?
-Not that I‘m aware of, no。
-Have you ever had the experience when you watched the sky for a long time?
-Not that I can think of, no。
-Do you love nature?
-Well, not really。 I’m more of an indoor person。
注意,每一個yes or no之后,一定要加原因哦!
10。 考場上“mean”要用起來。
“I mean”可以用來解釋剛剛自己拋出去的話,比如,在解釋自己最不喜歡的電影的時候可以說:
That movie was so boring, I mean, nothing happened for the first hour!
這個也可以有很靈活的變體:and by… I mean…,比如:
He has a gorgeous wife, and by wife I mean mistress。 (此例子完全為了解釋用法…)
“You mean…?”該句式是為了跟考官check information,如果你不想用“I‘m sorry?”來讓考官重復問題,你完全可以用它來確定一下自己的理解是否跟考官的問題吻合。
Sorry, I didn‘t quite catch it。 不好意思沒聽清,能在重復一下子不?
Sorry, could you slow down, please? 不好意思您能把語速放慢點兒不?
Sorry, can you rephrase the question, please? 不好意思您能解釋一下剛才的問題不?(就是問題里面有生詞,此時無論考官repeat幾遍問題,你也不可能懂,所以需要麻煩他rephrase改述一下問題)
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