The peach blossoms are radiant, the leaves luxuriant, their allure stunning.
“Allure”:魅力,誘惑力。可以理解成魅惑吧,也算符合“妖嬈”的內涵。原文中“傷眼”細讀其實并非是個貶義形容,美得過度總是震懾人心,用 “stunning” 比較合理。
I, of course, did my best to excuse myself, while he, naturally, pressed on with all graciousness and courtesy.
In affairs of the heart, scheming is not at all scheming, only part of the play; while playfulness is never just playfulness, but part of the scheme.
小編才學疏淺,說不出來所以然,但就覺得把風月翻譯成 “affairs of the heart” 簡單又恰當。
In the vast universe (Four Seas and Eight Deserts), there will—there must—be someone who, when he calls your name, gives it such delight, such tenderness, such soul-stirring pathos.
“Pathos” ,形容悲愴、哀婉,凄楚,契合蕩氣回腸的意境,用得好高級。換作我,只能想到 sorrow 或 sentiment 之類吧,哈哈哈。
Halos of light rippled and splashed. In the acres of peach trees, pink blossoms bloomed, breathing out sweet perfume. Beneath the rosy clouds and scented mists stood the young man, all dressed in black, his eyebrows as dark as if painted with ink, the hair above his temples as sharply outlined as if cut with a knife. *
Ye Hua went off in a hurry just now. He looked nonchalant and distant, but there was a heartiness to that nonchalance and a coyness to that distance. I know, from my observations of romantic affairs—accumulated, I may add, over a hundred thousand years—that with that air and look, he must have been on his way to meet a fair lady.