電影《奧本海默》8月30日在中國內地上映,影片聚焦“原子彈之父”羅伯特·奧本海默的一生,講述美國理論物理學家羅伯特·奧本海默(基里安·墨菲 Cillian Murphy 飾)主導研制世界上第一顆原子彈的過程。觀眾將看到一個謎一般的男人是如何陷入一個自相矛盾的困境:他為了拯救這個世界,必須先毀滅它。那么一起和閩南網小編來看看電影《奧本海默》經典臺詞吧~
1、“We knew the world would not be the same.A few people laughed,A few people cried,Most people were silent.
我們都知道這世界已經不一樣了,有的人在笑,有的人在哭泣,大多數的人沉默不語 “
2、“Now I am become Death,The destroyer of worlds.
現在我成了死神,世界的毀滅者。 “
3、I don't know if we can be trusted with such a weapon.But I have no choice.
4、The world is changing.Reforming.This is your moment.
5、Is anyone ever going to tell the truth about what's happening here?
6、They won't fear it until they understand it.And they won't understand it until they've used it.Theory will take you only so far.
7、The man who moved the Earth.
“When I came to you with those calculations,” Oppenheimer tells Einstein, “we thought we might start a chain reaction that might destroy the entire world.”
“What of it?” Einstein asks.
“I believe we did,” Oppenheimer says.