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    2018中央追逃辦曝光50名外逃人員藏匿線索 50人名單照片

    來源:中央紀委國家監委網站 2018-06-07 08:59 http://www.iosapp77.com/











      男,中國居民身份證號碼370602195611230414,煙臺市公路局原局長,涉嫌受賄罪。2014年5月29日外逃至澳大利亞,外逃所持證照:G46638056。目前可能居住地:Eastwood, Sydney,Australia。

      Wang Dongsheng, male, Chinese ID No. 370602195611230414, former Director of Yantai Municipal Road Bureau, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes,fled to Australia with travel document numbered G46638056 on May 29, 2014. Possible location of current residence: Eastwood, Sydney, Australia.



      Wang Junwen, male, Chinese ID No. 360403195110050136, former General Manager of Hainan Textiles Industry Company Limited and former Chairman of Hainan Xingye Polyester Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to Hong Kong with travel documents numbered G0037702 and W00527934 on September 24, 2003.



      Wang Qi, male, Chinese ID No. 310103197411260018, former Director of Legal Department of China Resources Microelectronics Limited, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to Singapore with travel documents numbered G54631154 and W47364060 on February 7, 2013.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼370105197201030314,輕騎集團香港有限公司原財務人員,涉嫌信用證詐騙罪。2005年4月21日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照:147668220。目前可能居住地:Hope River Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada。

      Wang Qingwei, male, Chinese ID No. 370105197201030314, former finance staff of Qingqi Group Hong Kong Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of letter of credit fraud, fled to Canada with travel document numbered 147668220 on April 21, 2005. Possible location of current residence: Hope River Rd, Chilliwack, British Columbia, Canada.



      Wang Jingzi, male, Chinese ID No. 210402196207030970, former Director of Economic Investigation Division of Xinfu District Branch of Fushun Municipal Public Security Bureau, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to Vietnam on March 20, 2009.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼140104195311270855,中國銀行海南分行原行長,涉嫌徇私舞弊罪。2000年6月9日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:147330824。目前可能居住地:Voltaire Drive, Riverside, Los Angles, California, USA。

      Wang Liming, male, Chinese ID No. 140104195311270855, former President of Hainan Branch of Bank of China, on suspicion of crime of malpractice, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 147330824 on June 9, 2000. Possible location of current residence: Voltaire Drive, Riverside, Los Angles, California, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼510107197309080013,中國農業銀行金融市場部投資處原處長,涉嫌職務侵占罪。2013年7月31日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照:G44765539。目前可能居住地: West 13th Ave Vancouver, BC, Canada。

      Bai Jing, male, Chinese ID No. 510107197309080013, former Director of Investment Branch of Financial Market Department of Agricultural Bank of China, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to Canada with travel document numbered G44765539 on July 31, 2013. Possible location of current residence: West 13th Ave Vancouver, BC, Canada.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼370111480629165,山東省絲綢總公司原總會計師、計財處處長,涉嫌挪用公款、受賄罪。2001年4月27日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:145878561。目前可能居住地:Mission Oak Dr. Houston TX, the United States。

      Feng Guangcheng, male, Chinese ID No. 370111480629165, former General Accountant and Director of Planning and Finance Department of Shandong Silk Group Company, on suspicion of crimes of misappropriating public funds and taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 145878561 on April 27, 2001. Possible location of current residence: Mission Oak Dr. Houston, TX, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼310222194803162012,上海市普陀區桃浦鎮黨委原副書記,涉嫌受賄罪。2012年7月22日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照:G52960582、W26808093。目前可能居住地:Cornerstone Mews, Burnaby,BC, Canada。

      Feng Weihua, male, Chinese ID No. 310222194803162012, former Deputy Secretary of the Party committee of Taopu Town of Putuo District of Shanghai, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G52960582 and W26808093 on July 22, 2012. Possible location of current residence: Cornerstone Mews, Burnaby,BC, Canada.



      Rong Shengling, male, Chinese ID No. 640103196309281850, former Deputy Director General of the Economy and Information Technology Committee of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, on suspicion of crimes of misappropriating public funds and contract fraud, fled to the United States with travel document numbered E41770558 in April 2015.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼410103196409152455,河南證券有限公司鄭州緯五路第一營業部原經理,涉嫌挪用公款罪。2002年12月21日外逃至澳大利亞,外逃所持證照:G01094820。目前可能居住地:Ethel Street, Burwood, Sydney, Australia。

      Ji Dongsheng, male, Chinese ID No. 410103196409152455, former Manager of the First Branch of Henan Securities on Weiwu Road of Zhengzhou, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to Australia with travel document numbered G01094820 on December 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: Ethel Street, Burwood, Sydney, Australia.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼320103196812060532,江蘇省高速公路建設指揮部綜合處原職工,涉嫌貪污罪。2002年3月8日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:G00101058、G07832315。目前可能居住地: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand。

      Liu Quanzhou, male, Chinese ID No. 320103196812060532, former employee of the General Department of Jiangsu Highway Construction Headquarters, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G00101058 and G07832315 on March 8, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand.


      女,中國居民身份證號碼320107197003282629,中國工商銀行南京市新街口支行原工作人員,劉全洲妻子,涉嫌貪污罪。2001年9月23日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:G00132122、G37558409。目前可能居住地: Canberra AvenueLynfield,Auckland, New Zealand。

      Sun Yan, female, ChineseID No. 320107197003282629, former employee of Xinjiekou Sub-Branch in Nanjing of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, wife of Liu Quanzhou, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G00132122 and G37558409 on September 23, 2001. Possible location of current residence: Canberra Avenue Lynfield, Auckland, New Zealand.



      Liu Baofeng, male, Chinese ID No. 320102196607140414, former General Manager of Shenzhen Branch of Huatai Securities, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to Canada with travel document numbered 148561000 in October 2001.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼110223198402076399,北京市通州區社會保險基金管理中心原工作人員,涉嫌貪污罪。2013年7月29日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G06852441、G53008303。目前可能居住地:Waumsley Way, Sugar Land, TX, USA。

      Liu Xu, male, Chinese ID No. 110223198402076399, former employee of the Social Insurance Fund Management Center of Tongzhou District of Beijing, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G06852441 and G53008303 on July 29, 2013. Possible location of current residence: Waumsley Way, Sugar Land, Texas, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼430602195411291016,湖南省岳陽市公安局出入境管理科原科長,涉嫌組織他人偷越國境罪。2004年10月31日外逃至英國,外逃所持證照:G01004229。目前可能居住地:Near Stratford Station, London, UK。

      Liu Xiangjian, male, Chinese ID No. 430602195411291016, former Section Chief of Entry and Exit Administration Section of Yueyang Municipal Public Security Bureau of Hunan Province, on suspicion of the crime of organizing people to secretly cross the national boundary, fled to the United Kingdom with travel document numbered G01004229 on October 31, 2004. Possible location of current residence: Near Stratford Station, London, UK.



      Liu Fucai, male, Chinese ID No. 440105195202051837, former Director General of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of Guangdong Province, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and abusing power, fled to Australia with travel document numbered G33107705 on April 25, 2014.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼370402194502281911,上海山東齊魯實業總公司原總經理,涉嫌貪污罪。2000年12月外逃美國,外逃所持證照:149923226。目前可能居住地:161 Street, Flushing, New York, USA。

      Liu Shenxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 370402194502281911, former General Manager of Shanghai Shandong Qilu Industry Company Limited, on suspicion of crimeof embezzlement , fled to the United States with travel document numbered 149923226 in December 2000. Possible location of current residence: 161 Street, Flushing, New York, the United States.



      Yan Bo, male, Chinese ID No. 130104196012172115, former General Manager of the International Business Department of China Unicom, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and holding a huge amount of property with unidentified sources, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G54955255 and W71192627 in December 2014.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼11010219630421195X,原衛生部人才交流服務中心主任。涉嫌貪污、受賄罪,2014年1月22日外逃至美國。外逃所持證照:G29652812。目前可能居住地:PINEGROVE PL. CORONA. CA, the United States。

      Li Feng, male, Chinese ID No. 11010219630421195X, former Director General of Talents Exchange and Service Center of the Ministry of Health, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G29652812 on January 22, 2014. Possible location of current residence: PINEGROVE PL. CORONA. CA, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼210719196406060818,葫蘆島希瑞集團有限公司原董事長,涉嫌騙取貸款罪。2012年3月21日外逃至加拿大。外逃所持證照:G28216852、W27479091。目前可能居住地: Fred Varley Dr. Markham,Canada。

      Yang Xili, male, Chinese ID No. 210719196406060818, former Chairman of Huludao Xirui Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of loan frauds, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G28216852 and W27479091 on March 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: Fred Varley Dr. Markham, Canada.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼530102194711110717,云南錫業集團有限責任公司原董事長,涉嫌受賄罪。2012年12月21日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G53362449、G02559152。目前可能居住地:31Ave, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA。

      Xiao Jianming, male, Chinese ID No. 530102194711110717, former Chairman of Yunnan Tin Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G53362449 and G02559152 on December 21, 2012. Possible location of current residence: 31Ave, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼230202196108191034,黑龍江省齊齊哈爾市信用擔保有限責任公司總經理,涉嫌職務侵占罪。2011年1月21日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照:G21605807、W19254471。目前可能居住地:Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada。

      Xiao Bin, male, Chinese ID No. 230202196108191034, former general managerof Qiqihar Credit Guarantee Company Limited of Heilongjiang Province, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G21605807 and W19254471 on January 21, 2011. Possible location of current residence: Ackroyd Road, Richmond, British Columbia, Canada.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼320821196512216110,淮安市棉麻公司原董事長,涉嫌挪用資金罪、職務侵占罪、騙取貸款罪。2013年11月7日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照: G31957770、W41415087、T03853949。

      Wu Qing, male, Chinese ID No. 320821196512216110, former Chairman of Huaian Cotton and Linen Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of fund misappropriation, duty encroachment and loan frauds, fled to Canada with travel documents numbered G31957770, W41415087 and T03853949 on November 7, 2013.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼332601196205150331,浙江昌大進出口有限公司原經理,涉嫌合同詐騙、抽逃出資罪。2010年2月9日外逃美國,外逃所持證照:G26857053。目前可能居住地:Columbia Ave, New York, NY, USA。

      Qiu Gengmin, male, Chinese ID No. 332601196205150331, former Manager of Zhejiang Changda Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of contract fraud and withdrawing capital, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G26857053 on February 9, 2010. Possible location of current residence: Columbia Ave, New York, NY, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼220102194911252813,中國電力公司戰略研究與規劃部原主任,涉嫌挪用公款罪。2002年6月5日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:148663595、P4937287、LN804253。目前可能居住地:Compass Point Way, 2012 Half Moon Bay, Auckland, New Zealand。

      Chen Xingming, male, Chinese ID No. 220102194911252813, former Director of Strategy Research & Planning Department of China Electric Power Limited, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered 148663595, P4937287 and LN804253 on June 5, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Compass Point Way, 2012 Half Moon Bay, Auckland, New Zealand.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼210202196008061714,大連遠洋運輸公司派駐韓國大仁輪渡有限公司大連辦事處原主任,涉嫌貪污罪。2015年3月26日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照: G26981558。

      Zhou Quan, male, Chinese ID No. 210202196008061714, former Director of Dalian Liaison Office of Korea Da-in Ferry as seconded by Dalian Ocean Shipping Company, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G26981558 on March 26, 2015.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼330323196408060635,浙江省樂清市城東街道蠣灰窯村原黨支部書記、建橋建設集團有限公司原法定代表人,涉嫌非法吸收公眾存款罪、騙取貸款、票據承兌罪。2013年11月6日外逃美國,外逃所持證照:E00909767。目前可能居住地:ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, USA。

      Zhou Jianhua, male, Chinese ID No. 330323196408060635, former Party Branch Secretary of Li Huiyao Village of Chengdong Sub-district of Leqing City of Zhejiang and former Legal Representative of Jianqiao Construction Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of illegally collecting public deposits, loanfrauds and bill acceptance, fled to the United States with travel document numbered E00909767 on November 6, 2013. Possible location of current residence: ELM St, San Mateo, San Francisco, California, the United States.



      Zhou Jinghua, female, Chinese ID No. 440524196909075424, former manager of Thailand Project of Real Estate Development Co.,LTD of Yunnan Copper Group, on suspicion of crimeof embezzlement , fled to Thailand with travel document numbered P392392 in May 2010.



      Zheng Dongqiang, male, Chinese ID No. 350204195309042057, former Deputy Secretary of Party Committee and Deputy Director of Xiamen Municipal Public Security Bureau of Fujian Province, on suspicion of crime of taking bribes, fled to Hong Kong with travel document numbered W94808693 on January 12, 2016.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼310223196409272817,香港居民身份證號M334542(A),快鹿集團原董事長,涉嫌集資詐騙罪。2016年3月7日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:H6015127800。目前可能居住地: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States 。

      Shi Jianxiang, male, Chinese ID No. 310223196409272817, Hong Kong ID No. M334542(A), former Chairman of Kuailu Group, on suspicion of crime of fund raising frauds, fled to the United States with travel document numberedH6015127800 on March 7, 2016. Possible location of current residence: Valley Boulevard Alhambra, CA, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼310107196811091234,中技上海公司原副總經理兼鞋業部經理,涉嫌貪污罪。2006年5月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G08977057、W09810567。目前可能居住地: Newport Circle, Redwood City, CA, USA。

      Hong Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 310107196811091234, former Deputy General Manager of CHINATEC in Shanghai and Manager of Footwear Department, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G08977057 and W09810567 on May 23, 2006. Possible location of current residence: Newport Circle, Redwood City, CA, USA.


      女,中國居民身份證號碼44501019621106110X,南方證券公司廣州分公司珠海景蓮營業部原主任,涉嫌挪用公款罪、隱瞞境外存款罪。2002年8月18日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:G01815866。目前可能居住地:the Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand。

      Xuan Xiuying, female, Chinese ID No. 44501019621106110X, former Director of Zhuhai Jinglian Division of Guangzhou Branch of China Southern Securities Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of misappropriating public funds and concealing deposits outside the territory of China, fled to New Zealand with travel document numbered G01815866 on August 18, 2002. Possible location of current residence: The Esplanade, Eastern Beach, Auckland, New Zealand.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼130229590224001,河北唐山豪門集團原總裁,涉嫌挪用公款罪。1999年5月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:140864735。目前可能居住地:NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, USA。

      He Yejun, male, Chinese ID No. 130229590224001, former Chairman of Tangshan Haomen Group Company, on suspicion of crime of misappropriating public funds, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 140864735 on May 23, 1999. Possible location of current residence: NE 38th Ave, Aventura, Florida, the United States.



      Xu Wei, male, Chinese ID No. 370102195807280336, former Manager of Business Department of Shenzhen Oil Technology Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G34571245 on May 28, 2011.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼420107196504280030,武漢市發改委原主任,涉嫌濫用職權、受賄罪。2011年5月19日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G41800603。目前可能居住地: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, USA。

      Xu Jin, male, Chinese ID No. 420107196504280030, former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission, on suspicion of crimes of abusing power and taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G41800603 on May 9, 2011. Possible location of current residence: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, the United States.


      女,中國居民身份證號碼210102196503045628,武漢市發改委原主任徐進妻子,涉嫌受賄罪。2011年5月19日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G4281702目前可能居住地: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, USA。

      Liu Fang, female, Chinese ID No. 210102196503045628, wife of Xu Jin who was former Director of Wuhan Development and Reform Commission, on suspicion of taking bribes, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G4281702 on May19, 2011. Possible location of current residence: LONG HILL DR. SHORT HILLS, NJ, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼310109194402283212,上海安徽裕安實業總公司原董事長、總經理,涉嫌貪污罪和國有公司人員濫用職權罪。2002年6月23日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:140645533。目前可能居住地: Cougar Mountain Way, Bellevue, WA, USA。

      Xu Weiming, male, Chinese ID No. 310109194402283212, former Chairman and General Manager of Shanghai Anhui Yu’an Industrial Corporation, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and abusing power in state-owned enterprise, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 140645533 on June 23, 2002. Possible location of current residence: Cougar Mountain Way, Bellevue, WA, the United States.


      女,中國居民身份證號碼410305197002056523,洛陽大華置業有限公司原法人代表,涉嫌集資詐騙罪。2013年4月14日外逃美國,外逃所持證照:G41596251。目前可能居住地: Bell Road, Johns Creek City, Georgia。

      Xi Xiuping, female, Chinese ID No. 410305197002056523, former Legal Representative of Luoyang Dahua Property Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of illegally raising funds and fraud, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G41596251 on April 14, 2013. Possible location of current residence: Bell Road, Johns Creek City, Georgia.



      Huang Ping, male, Chinese ID No. 44011119630927301X, former Legal Representative and General Manager of Guangdong Guanghong Huaqiao Aluminum Fabrication Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel documents numbered G47183543 and T09053301 on May 3, 2014.



      Huang Weiliang, male, Chinese ID No. 440724196711064851, former Director of Administration Office of Kaiping Sub-Branch of Bank of China, on suspicion of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered 145638812 in October 2001.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼372823195006191116,原臨沂市經貿委主任兼蘭陵企業(集團)有限責任公司原董事長,涉嫌貪污、受賄罪。2003年1月20日外逃至加拿大,外逃所持證照: G02267247。目前可能居住地: Townson Road, Markham, Toronto, Canada。

      Cui Xuewen, male, Chinese ID No. 372823195006191116, former Director of Linyi Economic and Trade Committee and Chairman of Lanling (Group) Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and taking bribes, fled to Canada, with travel document numbered G02267247 on January 20, 2003. Possible location of current residence: Townson Road, Markham, Toronto, Canada.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼440401540210041,珠海華美汽車制動工業有限公司原副董事長兼總經理、珠海中汽華粵工業有限公司原法定代表人兼總經理,涉嫌職務侵占罪。2000年3月外逃至美國。外逃所持證照:P371302(8)。目前可能居住地:KAMELIA STREET CORONA,California, USA。

      Liang Jinwen, male, Chinese ID No. 440401540210041, former Vice Chairman and General Manager of Zhuhai Huamei Automobile Brake System Company Limited and Legal Representative and General Manager of Zhuhai Zhongqi Huayue Industry Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of duty encroachment, fled to the United States with travel document numbered P371302(8) in March 2000. Possible location of current residence: Kamelia Street, Corona, California, the United States.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼430104196605214019,湖南省長沙市建委原副主任、長沙市軌道交通集團有限公司原董事長、湖南基礎建設投資集團有限公司原董事長。涉嫌受賄、洗錢罪。2017年3月24日外逃至澳大利亞,后逃往美國。外逃所持證照:E61485250、G34249990、PE0953250、PE0953161。持有圣基茨和尼維斯聯邦護照:RE0049382,塞浦路斯護照:K00328150。目前可能居住地: Slate Dr,Chino Hills,CA, the United States。

      Peng Xufeng, male, Chinese ID No. 430104196605214019, former Deputy Director of Changsha Municipal Construction Commission of Hunan Province, former Chairman of Changsha Metro Group Company Limited, and former Chairman of Hunan Infrastructure Construction and Investment Group Company Limited, on suspicion of crimes of taking bribes and money laundering, fled to Australia and then to the United States with travel documents numbered E61485250, G34249990, PE0953250 and PE0953161 on March 24, 2017, also holding Federation of Saint Kitts and Nevis passport numbered RE0049382 and Cyprus Passport numbered K00328150. Possible location of current residence: Slate Dr, Chino Hills, CA, the United States.


      女,中國居民身份證號碼310105195801300824,上海華園物業管理有限公司辦公室原主任,涉嫌貪污罪。2010年9月19日外逃至美國,外逃所持證照:G29818505。目前可能居住地:171 Street,Fresh Meadows, New York,USA。

      Jiang Ruoyan, female, Chinese ID No. 310105195801300824, former Director of Administration Office of Shanghai Huayuan Property Management Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to the United States with travel document numbered G29818505 on September 19, 2010. Possible location of current residence: 171 Street, Fresh Meadows, New York, USA.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼320106691114161,香港佳達利投資有限公司原董事長、北方國際廣告公司北京分公司原經理,涉嫌貪污罪、掩飾、隱瞞犯罪所得罪。2000年8月8日外逃至新西蘭,后逃往加拿大,外逃所持證照:H90090555、H0070701900。目前可能居住地:Oak Ridge Community, Vancouver, Canada。

      Cheng Muyang, male, Chinese ID No. 320106691114161, former Chairman of Hong Kong Jiadali Investment Co., Ltd and former manager of Beijing Subsidiary of Beifang International Advertisement Company, on suspicion of crimes of embezzlement and covering up and concealing proceeds of crime, fled to New Zealand and then to Canada with travel documents numbered H90090555 and H0070701900 on August 8, 2000. Possible location of current residence: Oak Ridge Community, Vancouver, Canada.



      Xie Weidong, male, Chinese ID No. 230106195611140416, former Judge of the Supreme People’s Court, on suspicion of crimesof taking bribes and intentionally making civil judgmentby perverting the law, fled to Canada with travel document numbered G56335410 in July 2014.



      Lai Mingmin, alias Lai Min, male, Chinese ID No. 440701195204080313, former Director of Jiangmen Branch of Bank of China, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to Australia, with travel document numbered 149951345 in August 2001.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼120104194209230437,天津新技術產業園區規劃處原處長,涉嫌貪污罪。2007年1月14日外逃至新西蘭,外逃所持證照:G20612462、144772074。目前可能居住地:Tawa Road, Auckland, New Zealand。

      Yu Tainian, male, Chinese ID No. 120104194209230437, former Director of Planning Division of Tianjin New Technology Industrial Park, on suspicion of crime of embezzlement, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G20612462 and 144772074 on January 14, 2007. Possible location of current residence: Tawa Road, Auckland, New Zealand.


      男,中國居民身份證號碼320106195205080034,江蘇匯鴻同源進出口有限公司原法定代表人,涉嫌騙取貸款、票據承兌、金融票證罪。2014年5月20日外逃新西蘭,外逃所持證照: G35360291、W41413290。

      Jian Fan, male, Chinese ID No. 320106195205080034, former legal representative of Jiangsu Huihong Tongyuan Import and Export Company Limited, on suspicion of crime of loan frauds, accepting illegal bills and forging financial bills, fled to New Zealand with travel documents numbered G35360291 and W41413290 on May 20, 2014.

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