網易娛樂2月7日報道據外媒報道,泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)與環球音樂出版集團(Universal Music Publishing Group)簽署了一項獨家全球發行協議,拓寬了她與環球音樂集團(Universal Music Group)的合作伙伴關系。Republic Records公司目前仍是她在美國的唱片合作伙伴。
斯威夫特在個人社交網站發文:I’m proud to extend my partnership with Lucian Grainge and the Universal Music family by signing with Universal Music Publishing Group, and for the opportunity to work with Jody Gerson, the first woman to run a major music publishing company。 Jody is an advocate for women’s empowerment and one of the most-respected and accomplished industry leaders。 Troy Tomlinson has been an amazing part of my team for over half my life and a passionate torchbearer for songwriters。 It’s an honor to get to work with such an incredible team, especially when it comes to my favorite thing in the world: songwriting。(我很榮幸通過與UMPG簽約來擴大與Lucian Grainge和Universal Music家族的合作伙伴關系,并有機會與第一位經營大型音樂發行公司的女士喬迪·格森(Jody Gerson)合作 。喬迪是增強女性權利的倡導者,也是最受尊敬和最有成就的行業領袖之一。特洛伊·湯姆林森(Troy Tomlinson)一直是我團隊中不可思議的一部分,并且是詞曲作者的火炬手。能夠與如此出色的團隊合作是一種榮幸。我在世界上最喜歡的東西:歌曲創作。)